LoadRunner - Date Handling (3 of 3) - Powershell
Sunday, August 26, 2012 at 4:03PM
If you are using LoadRunner, you've probably encountered date and time values in your scripts. These values should be evaluated and dealt with.
Recap of Part 1 and 2
Let's solve the problem using Powershell.
Initial Thoughts
- lr_save_datetime and C date/time functions can handle all situations.
- Looking for an easier, more robust solution.
- LoadRunner does not natively support Powershell.
- How can I call any Powershell command, not just date/time commands?
Below are 3 different ways to call Powershell commands within LoadRunner.
Support Code
- Used by all 3 implementations.
- Save Powershell output to a unique file (per virtual user).
- Retrieve Powershell output from the file and save in a LoadRunner parameter.
int iVuserId; char strFile[100]; lr_whoami (&iVuserId, NULL, NULL); if (iVuserId <= 0) { iVuserId = 1; } sprintf (strFile, "d:\\dt-%03d.txt", iVuserId);Save Powershell Output To A LoadRunner Parameter
int GetParamValue (char *strFile, char *strParam) { long fs; char strLine[128]; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read the updated file that contains the new date. // Create a new LoadRunner parameter. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- fs = fopen (strFile, "r"); fgets (strLine, 128, fs); fclose (fs); strLine[strlen(strLine)-1] = 0; lr_save_string (strLine, strParam); return 0; }
Using system
- Executes an operating system command.
- Directly available in LoadRunner.
- Displays a command window while the command is executing.
int GetNewDate_system (char *strDate, char *strFormat, char *strFile, char *strChange, int iChangeAmount, char *strParam) { char strCommand[256]; sprintf (strCommand, "powershell \"$a=get-date '%s'; $a=$a.%s(%ld); $a=get-date $a -format '%s'; " "$a|out-file -encoding ascii -filepath %s;\"", strDate, strChange, iChangeAmount, strFormat, strFile); system (strCommand); GetParamValue (strFile, strParam); return 0; }
Using ShellExecuteA
- Opens, prints or executes a file using the Windows shell.
- Returns immediately after performing specified action.
- Sleep of 1 second is used to allow processing to complete.
int GetNewDate_shellexecute (char *strDate, char *strFormat, char *strFile, char *strChange, int iChangeAmount, char *strParam) { char strCommand[256]; sprintf (strCommand, "$a=get-date '%s'; $a=$a.%s(%ld); $a=get-date $a -format '%s'; " "$a|out-file -encoding ascii -filepath %s;", strDate, strChange, iChangeAmount, strFormat, strFile); ShellExecuteA(NULL, "open", "powershell.exe", strCommand, "", "", 0); sleep(1000); // Is enough of a delay for the command to complete - not dependable GetParamValue (strFile, strParam); return 0; }
Using CreateProcessA
- Creates a new process and its primary thread.
- The new process runs in the security context of the calling process.
typedef void *PVOID; typedef PVOID HANDLE; typedef struct _PROCESS_INFORMATION { HANDLE hProcess; HANDLE hThread; DWORD dwProcessId; DWORD dwThreadId; } PROCESS_INFORMATION; typedef const char *LPTSTR; typedef unsigned char far *LPBYTE; typedef struct _STARTUPINFO { DWORD cb; LPTSTR lpReserved; LPTSTR lpDesktop; LPTSTR lpTitle; DWORD dwX; DWORD dwY; DWORD dwXSize; DWORD dwYSize; DWORD dwXCountChars; DWORD dwYCountChars; DWORD dwFillAttribute; DWORD dwFlags; WORD wShowWindow; WORD cbReserved2; LPBYTE lpReserved2; HANDLE hStdInput; HANDLE hStdOutput; HANDLE hStdError; } STARTUPINFO, *LPSTARTUPINFO; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = {0}; STARTUPINFO si = {0}; int GetNewDate_createprocess (char *strDate, char *strFormat, char *strFile, char *strChange, int iChangeAmount, char *strParam) { char strCommand[256]; sprintf (strCommand, "powershell \"$a=get-date '%s'; $a=$a.%s(%ld); $a=get-date $a -format '%s'; " "$a|out-file -encoding ascii -filepath %s;\"", strDate, strChange, iChangeAmount, strFormat, strFile); si.cb = sizeof(si); CreateProcessA (NULL, strCommand, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0x08000000, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); WaitForSingleObject (pi.hProcess, 10000); CloseHandle (pi.hProcess); CloseHandle (pi.hThread); GetParamValue (strFile, strParam); return 0; }
Calling Code
int iVuserId; char strFile[100]; char *strDate = "17-Aug-2012 06:49:41"; char *strFormat = "dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"; lr_load_dll("shell32.dll"); // ShellExecuteA lr_load_dll("kernel32.dll"); // CreateProcessA // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generate a unique file name for each vuser. Used for output of the // powershell command. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- lr_whoami (&iVuserId, NULL, NULL); if (iVuserId <= 0) { iVuserId = 1; } sprintf (strFile, "d:\\dt-%03d.txt", iVuserId); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LoadRunner system command examples. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetNewDate_system (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddYears", 70, "pNewDate"); GetNewDate_system (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddMonths", 70, "pNewDate"); GetNewDate_system (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddDays", 70, "pNewDate"); GetNewDate_system (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddHours", 70, "pNewDate"); GetNewDate_system (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddMinutes", 70, "pNewDate"); GetNewDate_system (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddSeconds", 70, "pNewDate"); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ShellExecute command examples. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetNewDate_shellexecute (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddYears", 70, "pNewDate"); GetNewDate_shellexecute (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddMonths", 70, "pNewDate"); GetNewDate_shellexecute (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddDays", 70, "pNewDate"); GetNewDate_shellexecute (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddHours", 70, "pNewDate"); GetNewDate_shellexecute (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddMinutes", 70, "pNewDate"); GetNewDate_shellexecute (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddSeconds", 70, "pNewDate"); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CreateProcess command examples. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetNewDate_createprocess (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddYears", 70, "pNewDate"); GetNewDate_createprocess (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddMonths", 70, "pNewDate"); GetNewDate_createprocess (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddDays", 70, "pNewDate"); GetNewDate_createprocess (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddHours", 70, "pNewDate"); GetNewDate_createprocess (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddMinutes", 70, "pNewDate"); GetNewDate_createprocess (strDate, strFormat, strFile, "AddSeconds", 70, "pNewDate");
Moving Forward
- Add error checking.
- Experiment with other Powershell commands using these techniques.
- Instead of writing output to a file, output to SQUID.
- Create a C/C# dll to handle date/time manipulations, call from within LoadRunner.
Reader Comments (1)
Excellent stuff. Just what I needed. You rock!